An art painter colleague told me last year that I would be judged on my life painting if that was all I showed. At the time I had a bunch of head studies on the wall done during my teaching class, naively thinking students would want to see what they would get in class.
I had always thought people would know the difference between an hour and a half head study demo in a teaching situation, or not, and a finished portrait, but turns out the guy was absolutely right.
I then put up a few finished pieces and actually had people come up to me at the school and say, wow, I didn't know you could paint like that! A kind of back handed compliment if you ask me. The skill of a painter is surely in his or her fast life painting. Can't most people do something fairly decent over the course of 100 hours?
Anyway, I am being a bit ego-licious here, sharing with you a couple of the more finished commissions that were painted this summer, all 30'X40" I hope you like. I didn't get to the beach much!
Damn your a good artist
thanks Rachel! What a nice thing to say...
I was doing a blog search on portrait painting the other day and got your site! I would like to mirror what Rachel said. I was in Mr. Kinstler's class with you last February.
Thank you Rhonda. I really appreciate that. Wasn't it a great workshop? I hope your painting is going well. Keep in touch.
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