Don't miss this! I am doing a limited edition of my book "365 Days of Drawing By Johanna Spinks", Oscar Gold hard cover, (well of course!) including an ORIGINAL personalized drawing from the challenge , featured in the book.
I was blessed also to have the incomparable Mr. Everett Raymond Kinstler, N.A., master painter of seven U. S. presidents, portraitist of 'Who's Who' in America over the last half-century, and a draughtsman like no other, write a forward to my book.
I have studied the teachings of this great and gracious man for quite a few years now. It has been a magical journey leading me to a point in my art of wanting to get to the next level in my drawing - hence the very public 365 day drawing challenge in 2010, documented almost daily on social media.
Mr. Kinstler (//www.everettraymondkinstler.com/) wrote -
"Every serious artist knows that drawing is the grammar and gut of good painting. It's partly a matter of learning what to leave out.
Johanna Spinks was stimulated to challenge herself to do a drawing a day for one year.
Share with me her passion and talent as she explores line and color on a flat surface, creating a two-dimensional journey into a world of faces, figures, objects, and places, all filled with joy, movement, and Jo's unique personality."
Forever thanks Mr. K.

I am happy to say the book includes an image of every single drawing done during the year, many turned into paintings, and a written overview of the year by myself. It is a record of an incredible year in drawing and lessons learned putting yourself out there artistically in a very public drawing challenge.
I had the tremendous help of a new company called "Flaunt Your Photos".
I could NOT have done it without FYP, a company geared toward helping artists in particular (but other normal folks too!) do just what I did. It was painless too, I have to say. Mrs. Peggy Kinstler founded FYP and she is used to working with artists being married to the above named master artist!
Peggy's great art editing eye and vast publishing experience, was priceless. 365 sketches plus other year images AND text, found themselves nestled into the new pages of this book within 10 days or so! Thanks for working so hard for me Peggy.
365 Days of Drawing
Limited Edition, gold hardcover, 12" x 12"
$150. incl. tax, shipping and original drawing from the year signed by artist.
contact artist johanna@johannaspinks.com
Use Paypal button, top of blog to the right.

i love your work and very inspired by you!
i am in cincinati ohio and not able to atend show...book on wish list!
Thank you Sue. What a nice thing to say...
What a wonderful way to commemorate all you hard work (and some fun, I am sure)over 365 days of drawing.
And a show too!
Thanks Kim. the challenge felt like quite hard work. the show was FUN!!!
The book looks stunning, Johanna. What a magnificent achievement.
I always delight in seeing your masterly work and learning from your depth of understanding.
Now that your baby is out in the world, very best wishes for 365 of Drawing. And for you, its talented mum.
Thanks so much Harry for your eloquent words...sales are going well on the limited edition. I am glad I did it.
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