A touch of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is good for an artist I find. Don't you?
I erased my 'challenge' drawing from the day before and re-did it yesterday searching for 'the feel' I was after. I then painted the drawing, getting the feel I wanted pretty quickly unlike before when I was drawing through molasses.
The angle and crop of the hat took me the most time. The expression coming much more easily than before. Now what shall I do today for the challenge? Any ideas?
"Last Dance?"
8" x 10"
Oil on Linen Panel
Okay, you're right -- this drawing is better and the painting is charming!
duplicate comment, different address!
Ah...was that the problem with your lost posts, then?
Thanks Shelley I like charming.
Ah...was that the problem with your lost posts, then?
Thanks Shelley I like charming.
I like this but must admit I loved the "dark" drawing ....but then that's me....always loved a bad boy!!!
It's amazing what subtle differences can change the character of a drawing or a face.
I like these.... But then I think they are all great!
oh Rosie...you and your bad boys...the dark one definitely had a certain feel..
Yes, Marian, I am constantly amazed the effect those slight changes have. Although this was a complete redraw.
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