What a difference a day makes! I put paint on the little boy, an earlier drawing from the challenge, at the start of my day, and then did this drawing of the man late at night when I was tired, and just wanted to get 'in and out' as fast as I could to meet the challenge of drawing for half an hour every day. My tools were failing, charcoal too soft, and I couldn't find anywhere to sit in the middle of a home re-model. Note to self,,,draw only in studio for now.
The charcoal will be erased. The painting will not. I wonder if there is use in drawing when you are tired. Is one learning anything? What do you think?
Oil on linen
Oh my, your painting of the little boy is wonderful. Truly.
Thanks Susan. This painting inspired a fellow artist Rich Brimer to include it in a speech yesterday. Wonderment in art/life kinda thing.
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