In the final days of a yearly drawing challenge through the busy Holiday Season you want an easy ride. No fuss, no muss. Hold the Eggnog while you creep under the wire.
December is a hellish month to end a yearly drawing challenge. There is SO much going on. Dare I also say, I WANT TO ENJOY the Season. The drawing for this day was probably one of my hardest days so far to squeeze in.
I drove all over Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, about six hours in the car total, between three lengthy appointments, ending in Beverly Hills for my husband's office Xmas party at night with a certain requirement to look presentable, hair washed etc. No green paint exuding from body parts that non-artists might be alarmed by.
Usually I have planned what I am drawing for the day through 2010, taking quite some considerable time doing so. This day, I looked in my car trunk, usually full of art stuff, and grabbed the nearest 'copy' thing I could find. I spent 15 minutes on it at lunch appointment 'waiting', 10 minutes in the 'waiting' room for next appointment broken up into two five minute segments, completing the last 5 minutes after a long drive home, 'waiting' to go to - BED! This is what it took THIS day to meet the year's challenge of drawing every day for 2010 outside of everything else that is going on. Not pleasant this day. Sorry.
I honestly will never forget the commitment of my year's challenge to myself. And I know I didn't cheat. I am proud of that especially on days like these. No-one would know. I would and perhaps my husband too. He has seen it all firsthand.
Please could December go fast now - and at this point perhaps Eggnog infused.