Repose Johanna Spinks Figure Oil Sketch |
Happy Sunday afternoon from rainy California:
I posted this sketch I did from life on Tuesday on Facebook and it got quite a few comments. Mostly because I took it down from Facebook after someone posted a very public mean comment on my timeline, I am sure, offended by my posting of this image. I apologized to all if I had caused offense.
I was heartily encouraged to re-post the nude, evidence of my art process, and the knowledge that artists have painted and sketched the unclothed human form for centuries. To be offended by it, my FB commentators, said was rediculous.
At least two other FB artists told me they were deliberately posting their nude sketches that day in support.
It is a funny world we live in out there. 'Sexy' sells all over the planet. The Kardashians rule. Young girls want to look like the latest Britanny Spears, whovever she is these days. But a simple nude sketch causes offense. Painting the human form well is one of the hardest art disciplines. That is my only goal.
To paint it well. Better each year of my journey.
To my eye, the nude figure in art, is beauty. And a challenge to paint.
That's all.
Now go take on the art day.