"Dreama Dreaming"
By Johanna Spinks
In the collection of Dreama Tolle Perry |
You could say this lady I just sketched is my new BBF!
I have admired artist/writer Dreama Tolle Perry for quite a few years now. She speaks in an art language uniquely her own. Her work is uplifting and witty, brilliant in execution, her joy for life contagious.
Dreama is the total art 'package'. She has carved out a loyal and large art following, teaching workshops across the country and selling everything she paints. She let's people into her life; she reveals that her favorite color is purple, chocolate has her at 'hello', and her cute cat Eddie frequently demands her attention, often being the star of her colorful paintings.
Ms. Perry changed the way I thought about art especially in my "High Days and Holidays" series of hat paintings, along with my personal sketch books.
I realized that it was o.k. to paint, and reveal, my more fun, feminine side - alongside doing serious portrait commissions and public portrait projects.
Fast forward to this Holiday week when I decided to paint this sketch of Dreama. We have become friends over the last year or so and Dreama being Dreama just did the most gracious post about our portrait's back story after seeing it this week.
Also, if you are looking for a great motivational one-of-a-kind art experience Dreama is just about to launch her new art teaching baby, an online masterpiece course, like no other, that she has been working on for months. It is called "Dream. Love. Paint" and promises to be very special. She even renovated a cottage just for the filming of the series. Painted purple/lilac of course!