My journey this year painting large portraits via a palette knife continues. Here is my most recently completed one with the lovely Amina done in two sittings of about three hours.
I am surprised - and challenged - by what is coming off the canvas. It is so different from anything that has come before in my creative journey but I also know I must continue to see what develops. I also know I have been leading up to these neon large format palette knives for a while.
I started painting portraits with a knife about four years ago in my non-commissioned work. I started exploring the neon color, lots of drips, about two years ago in my back grounds.
My goal is to make these large one look really abstract closeup. Just dabs of unconnected paint. But view from a distance, they read as a whole.
Hope you enjoy!
"The Coral Earring"
By Johanna Spinks
Oil on canvas via palette knife
Available for purchase at Saachi Online
Go here |
Two life sittings. Here is the then end of the first one. I'm happy if I have got the eyes done as to me they are the most important part of the painting. |
In situ, pretty as a picture |
Close-up, trying to leave as much of that original toned pink as I can, laying cool colors over the top. Mostly. |
Coral earring. |