I went to the opening of 'The New Romantic Figure" show last night in California considering myself a bit of a romantic now and again.
It was a smaller show than I was expecting. It was a good show. I enjoyed it. Happy to see artists I really admire, like Jeremy Lipking, show me once again how a figure should be painted.
Lipking's work is flawless. A master. Period. Click
Seeing the whole collection, I was also reminded , and oddly reassured, of the challenges us artists face painting the figure well, romantically or not. Anatomy, anatomy, anatomy. Good values and accurate drawing in the right place. There are no short cuts. There is no forgiveness in a badly rendered neck, deltoid muscle or hand. Time put in results in, well, good results out.
I was also stunned by some of the frames on these paintings. They looked like huge pieces of coffin-esque furniture and surely cost as much. I could take a pass on those.
One huge drawing by Russian born artist
Alexey Steele Click
here was worth the visit alone. Where did he get a piece of drawing paper that large, we were all wondering? He spent a long time on that drawing, that I can tell you. And it was masterful.
Alexey Steele coined the term "
Novorealism", a new art movement spearheaded with his talented art buddies Jeremy
Lipking and Tony Pro. Click
here The movement's aim, I believe, is about reviving romantic
realsim and idealism in this new century but don't quote me on that. Art movements come and go, names sounding a bit like birth control are chosen, but I think these three stellar guys, Pro, Steele and
Lipking are going to be a big force for quite while with their work. A sturdy base of a three-cornered art pyramid, that others will build on, and aspire upwards to greater heights.
Catch the show...worth the visit.
Kwan Fong Gallery
California Lutheran University
60 West Olsen Road
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
August 20 thru' September 30
Featuring work by Jeremy Lipking, Tony Pro, Michael Lynn Adams, Peter Adams, Cyn McCurry, Michael Pearce, Mia Tavonatti
Image posted here is nothing to do with this show. It is by me and I feel quite romantic about it.