Any personal art show puts me in a state of unease. This one, is for my Face of Ventura Halfway Celebration, was relatively easy.
You ask why, dear blog reader, from all over the world? NO need to comment.
*No framing. BLISS!!! I planned it that way at the start of this project very deliberately. Gallery wrap mount canvas all the way. Exactly the same size, 16"x16". Same warm colored co-hesive ground.
* No picture selection. BLISS!!!
Obviously ALL of the 27 sitters painted so far in my FACE of VENTURA PROJECT, have to hang. Well, you know what I mean. 28 more to paint. Some are good, some are fair, some are not. That is what you get from life-painting, and a real sitter at that, not a model. Can't be an art winner every time.
* Experienced engineer there to measure precisely and punch nails. Guess wot, he is ONE of the FACES. Mr. Jerry English. I planned it that way. Err, not. Happy accident.
* Ever so gracious host, willing to repaint walls, and make everything VERY comfortable, The Ventura Executive Suites! clickhere
Chocolate thrown into the mix.
You get the picture. Cute blog post - so be there! It is the least you can do.