I have worked with more art models than I have had hot dinners over the last 20 years of life painting. I wish I could remember each and every one but the number runs into the hundreds at this point.
Each however is a special encounter for me and many have now become my friends, as we work together so often over the years. We kind of grow up together. Art models bring so much to the studio table and help us artists paint well. They inspire leaving us hopefully to join hands with the Art Spirit and do the rest. Art models have to show up through thick and thin, with a good attitude, smile on their face, no matter what is going on in their personal lives. I know from my old weekly teaching class this is not always easy. A ton can be going on behind the scenes in your daily life.
So today I just wanted to say thank you. Our collaborations are appreciated. I also wanted to say thank you to Jeremy Lipking. I have learned so much from Master Lipking about figure painting over the last few years.
These two corset paintings of mine sold today to a new collector featuring two models I have been luck to paint many times, Amina Santana and Toni Sky.
Thank you to all three.
Catch more of my corset paintings and sketches at www.dailypaintworks.com
The are super affordable and make delicious Holiday Gifts. |