
Monday, February 25, 2019

Seeing Dots...Calfornia Art Club 108th Gold Medal Show Opening.

Seeing dots today. 

Loving my custom somewhat daring "Paris chic" contemporary clear frame for this painting of mine "Visitor From Paris" for upcoming opening this weekend, The California Art Club's 108th Annual Gold Medal Exhibtion, March 3 -29, 2019. Details below and LINK to purchase Artist's Gala Reception tickets. 

Lots of events going on around this great show. Honored to be in such fine painting company and thank you to The CAC for all it does for us artists. TY to Malibu Gallery too for always being amazing. And, yes, this painting will be for sale at the show with it's dotty contemporay frame.


Opennig Weekend
Former Pasadena Museum of Modern Art
Thank you to The CAC for all it does.

The Visitor From Paris
by Johanna Spinks
via palette knife
Oil on Linen
Available for purchase at CAC Gold Show

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Green Renewal of The Fires

Chris Dali - "Renewal"
By Johanna Spinks
36 x 36", via palette knife

The Face of Malibu Rebuilds
By Johanna Spinks
A series of interviews and sketches by Spinks appearing weekly in The Malibu Times featuring the rebuild of people who have lost everything. 
Green renewal on the fire torn mountains - and within me. This portrait of Chris Dali, relative of the great surrealist painter Salvador Dali, was started the day of the Malibu wildfires that took 600 homes and two-thirds of my neighborhood. Yet alone, the rest of the destruction through California.

It was started the day of the fires, from a three hour life sitting with Chris, and survived an absolute inferno blazing around my studio, home and neighborhood in a way that is hard to describe and  nothing short of a miracle that my home, studio, and this painting and other paintings didn't burn. The fire came right up to my kitchen back door and studio front door but decided to go, unfortunately, to my neighbors. We have some big repairs but nothing compared to others. 

I did lose quite a few commissioned portraits in Malibu homes that burned to the ground. I am so sad for these familes who have lost everything. It is going to be a long re-build. As some of you know,  I been painting "The Face of Malibu- Rebuilds" with The Malibu Times, donating my time sketching, interviewing and writing about people who have lost everything  in the fires while still being displaced myself. So far about 11 people have been featured. The interviews are painful and tears on both sides are often shed. 

The green portrait of Chris has been sitting on my easel for three months, waiting for me to get back to it, defying me not to finish it after all it has been through with nature. The journey home and back to life has been slow. It was three and a half weeks before we could legally get to our home with roads opening, yet alone live there. We managed to hard-hike in once and it was just devastating to see the destruction and not be able to immediately protect your home from incoming rats and terrible smoke damage with broken windows. Nothing happens until those roads open! Now, friends' burned homes are being bulldozed to the ground. Humbling. Shattering. Something life doesn't prepare you for, to watch. 

Three months later, I am feeling so grateful I got to finish this portrait of Chris. It will aways be a special painting for me, as will the new series and the very brave people I am also grateful to have met.

I also show the "Face of Malibu Rebuild" sitters who I have met so far. The series continues weekly.


Saturday, February 16, 2019

Love is in the air...still.

Love is in the air this week- especially for this couple, married almost 40 years, who face the prospect of rebuilding their lost Malibu home fortunately very much in love. Thank you to Carolyn Carradine and her hubby Chris for sitting for my "Face of Malibu Rebuild" series this week ongoing with The Malibu Times.. Article link below. This is a volunteer project for me sketching, interviewing and writing the pieces to highlight what people in my community are going through.

Article click here

Carolyn and Chris Carradine
The Face of Malibu Rebuilds By Johanna Spinks

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Rebuilding After The Califorina Fires...

A lot of hours are going into my Face of Malibu Rebuild series. with The Malibu Times.

 I wish to remind people that life has not gone back to 'normal' for the thousands of people who lost everything in the recent California Wildfires. 

This week's sitter  is Jill Greenberg, the sketch and interview donated by me to The Malibu Times hoping to keep the community's awareness going of what this rebuild is looking like fore people who are suffering such great losses. 

Here is a link to the article in this week's Malibu Times.

Jill Greeberg by Johanna Spinks
For The Face of Malibu Rebuilds
With the Malibu Times