This is old news now but it still hurts my h
Oh.. to have that much talent, confidence and charisma. To make it look so effortless and hit the right note every time. Easy to overlook that this guy has been perfecting his art for a very long time for one still so young.
I have never rewound a portion of AI to see a performer do his TV song again, I have never called in to 'multiple vote', phone at the ready, I have never purchased a performer's AI songs from Itunes. I have never danced around the living room wildly.
I DID all four with Mr. Glambert. Giddy fool of a fan that I am for him.
I admit I have developed a big crush for the retro Elvis 'black-ink hair' looks, obvious intelligence and sparkly eye-linered charm, a crush which has not diminished despite his obvious preference NOT for middle-aged women, or maybe women at all. Who cares?
Shock-rock Lambert's rediculous loss to puppy-dog clean-cut crooner Kris Allen (also talented but not in such an obvious megawatt "IT" factor way) relates I feel to the art world in general.
I share with you, my blog art friends, the things I have learned from Adam Lambert through our long distance relationship, judged albeit from my couch potato stance while he swishayed superbly across my TV screen. And I do thank you Glambert for the inspiration. Rock on and get that DVD out fast for me to paint to.
.Just because you SHOULD win, doesn't mean you will.
.Being the best or the most talented doesn't always guarantee you first place. Politics, discrimination and pettiness against others often do.
.Practice your craft, your scales, to be the absolute best you can be. Years spent painting, years spent singing, years spent snorkling, will make you proficient no matter what. Maybe not a star, but proficient. And who wants to be a star at snorkling anyway?
. Learn to talk intelligently about you craft. Be informed. Be prepared. Be rehearsed. Be giving.
. Learn to be non-defensive and down-right clever and witty about your position especially when asked tough questions (about your sexuality?) you would rather not answer.
.Learn to flash a beautiful smile.
.Learn a side skill to add to your main one. Lambert could sing AND dance!
. Give credit to - and love your family.
. Learn to put eyeliner on really well. Save the sparkles for special nights.
.When you find a good hairstylist, keep them for years and give them credit on TV.
.Develop your style and flaunt it. Be bold. Be original. Who cares what people think? (hmm..unless you are trying to win AI. We know those red and blue states do care. Arkansas called in 30 percent of the votes!)
.Always be a gracious looser no matter what. Don't talk behind people's backs. Word always gets back.
.Always remember pictures (and most certainly paintings) can come back to haunt you.
. Always remember your reputation proceeds you when those old pictures appear. I was told by a mutual friend who had worked with Adam pre-fame that he really is as genuine and nice as he appeared on TV.
.Class acts always win no matter what. No need for a title or trophy.
Lastly, I am constantly surprised by who reads this blog. If you are out there Mr. Lambert, or one of his pals reads this, give me a call. There is much we have to discuss including my need to paint you ASAP. And I may need a few tips on eyeliner.