I am calling this "Forget-Me-Not". Yesterday's drawing that I turned into paint. I wanted to keep my light and shadow shape distinct and separate.
I post three stages of the sketch. The drawing, which meets the daily challenge, the block-in of the light, and the finish.
One thing I see as a teacher is that students don't think of big mass shapes when blocking in a sketch but 'noodle' areas breaking up form and overall value pattern, causing unsightly dents in a face, figure or apple. Wrong value in the wrong place. It was a big step forward for me in my painting and drawing when I started to think of light and shadow being like jig-saw puzzle pieces that lock together. The value choice has to fit and lock in place, just like a puzzle piece.
On this sketch, the shadow side of the face was quite light in value and mainly falling through the middle of the face. I had to work carefully to make sure I didn't go too dark in value but dark enough to make the light shape read with hopefully an overall delicate feeling of light.
"Forget Me Not"
8 x 10"
I love that you show the drawing process. blocking and the painting! She is abolsutely beautiful, what you do is magic!
thanks Rosie! I think the process is good to see. I know I enjoy seeing how other artists 'get there". Come back tomorrow!
thanks Rosie! I think the process is good to see. I know I enjoy seeing how other artists 'get there". Come back tomorrow!
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