
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Painting Downton Abbey

Pass the sherry darling? I went Downton Abbey-esque in my teaching class yesterday at my studio, four hours, to a packed house.

Thanks to the always amazing muse/musician/singer artiste Mather Louth for a great sitting. I could paint Mather every day and never tire. She brings such a wonderful energy to the room and makes a big effort in her costumes.

There was some terrific work going on in the studio by other artists too. A lot to paint in just four hours. Pearls, satin, head piece, oh yes, and that ever so pretty face and porcelain skin.  I was taken back to just what it must have been like for the painting great Philip de Laszlo (my personal hero) and his predecessor John Singer Sargent.

De Laszlo and Sargent knocked off more pearls and satin in their portrait painting careers than I've had  hot cappuccinos.

I post the stages of my demo here.

The Finish
"Downton Abbey-Esque"
18 x 24"
By Johanna Spinks

The sketch almost done.
By Johanna Spinks

Close-up. What a lovely face to paint!
The early block-in. My favorite part of the painting. Good clean color, simple shapes
By Johanna Spinks

The Start...Off and Running.

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