A VERY long wonderful day finishing off the final day assisting Morgan Weistling,
www. morgan weistling.com, at The Weekend With The Masters in CA.
I had a long drive home at day's end so knew I had to get a quick sketch done in his workshop between my assisting duties which started EARLY. People don't realize when they walk into a workshop room with two model set-ups in a strange non-art hotel conference room, with lighting to work out, etc., that people behind the scenes get there WAY ahead of time.
Anyhow, in a workshop, as I know from my own, the most quiet part is that first 30 minutes when people are staring at their OWN blank canvases slightly terrified. The Master, aka Morgan, doesn't have much to correct at this point, and the assistant, aka ME, can grab a sketch.
This was my moment. How I wish it was better. However, my Motel room neighbors kept me awake until 2 am the night before with a party of their own, and my alarm went off at 6.15 a.m. So I forgive myself.
MOST of all, thank you to Morgan Weistling for the privilege. He shared his EVERYTHING this weekend as he always does when he decides to teach. It is a RARE privilege.