I had a wonderful heaven-sent time in the studio this Saturday afternoon "painting-up" yesterday's drawing from the challenge which leads me to my future deathbed thought. Always important.
I know I am doing the 365 Day Drawing Challenge just for ME, and it has been rough- going recently. The "Who Cares?" factor set in. Does Blog-world, Twitter or Facebook need another artist spouting off while posting stuff. No.
I also know what I know about my drawing at this point, good and bad, after TEN months of non-stop doing it. Will another TWO months ahead of me, before I finish the challenge, really make a difference to that self-awareness? No.
I have learned that progress is made by doing a daily practise for sure. Ideas are created. Art introspection and direction a huge plus.
But I have also learned some days you show up, in this challenge, and it is horrible. Like you haven't drawn much at all. I get so MAD on those days but have also learned I will ALWAYS have to practice my drawing. I am NOT a natural like some.
A show is booked. That certainly keeps me going. I want to do a book. Universe catch me. But most of all, somehow I have found a stubborn persistence within me that I NEVER knew I had. I would feel SO mad at myself if I stopped at this point. I would let MYSELF down. I would be on my deathbed regretting it.
Facebook and Blogworld won't care at that point...but I will.
I have also learned I have a hard time using and spelling correctly PRACTISE/ PRACTICE!!