
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Weekly Painting Tip - The Perfect Ground To work On

Morning All

I thought I might start something new on my blog. A painting tip from my studio posted here and on YOU Tube twice a week. EVERY Monday to start the week and every Friday to kick off the weekend.

Let me know if you like it by leaving your comments here.


Roseanne said...

LOVE this idea!!! I for one will be checking in daily! Will you be posting your tip daily on FB as well? Or is it strickly for posting on your blog?

lori said...

I love your painting tip! I know I will watch your little video tip every time in comes in my inbox. loved seeing a part of your studio too! great idea!

Johanna Spinks said...

Thank you Lori and Roseanne. Post what your are interested in my covering?