
Monday, April 29, 2013

Weekly Video...How to create luscious color

Hi all...

I continue my new series: I hope you like it. I will learn how to improve the quality.

Click on this YOU Tube I filmed today in my studio. It is CHOCK full of color guaranteed to beat any artist's Monday

Learn about:

*warm versus cool
* bright versus muted
* limited palette of the BRIGHTEST KIND

Come back for another studio with me this Friday

Do you have any questions about painting you might like me to help answer???  Please post.

And don't FIRST FRIDAY ATELIER workshop day is this coming  Friday May 3rd at my studio. Only two spaces left.

Be sure to visit my new online store...for some COLORFUL new arrivals, art priced to fit every collector's budget.

Click on the tab below:

Have a very colorful week.


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